2012 m. rugsėjo 25 d., antradienis

Psychology studies at MRU and Maastricht university

Studying is the most important period in every human's life so it is very important to choose right studies. I chose psychology because this is the only field where I can see myself. My aim is to get Doctoral degree and work in scientific psychology so I am interested in clinical and social psychology. I choose Mykolas Romeris university and I am very glad about that so I want to compare it with Maastricht university.

Maastricht university
Maastricht university is in Netherlands.This university is relatively young (university got Maastricht name only in 2008). This university offers a wide choice of academic programmes, all of which are designed to bring out the best in its students. There are six faculties: Arts and Social Sciences;Business and Economics;Health, Medicine and Life Sciences;Humanities and Sciences;Law;Psychology and Neuroscience. Also there are some cultural activities including drama,dances,music and sport. Moreover,Maastricht university has a modern library which offers electronic and simple forms of books. This is very comfortable for students.

Mykolas Romeris university
Mykolas Romeris university is also young (university got Mykolas Romeris name in 2004). This university has six faculties and one institute:Economics and Finance Management; Politics and Management; Law; Social Policy; Social Informatics; Social Security and Institute of Humanities. Despite studies,there are cultural activities like dance,theatre,visual arts studios and others.Also MRU has very modern library with many reading-rooms,where students can study undisturbed.

As a student of psychology I must to compare studies of psychology in these universities so there is some similarities and differences. In both universities student can get all degrees of psychology. To get Bachelor degrees it takes 4 years in Maastricht and 3,5 in MRU.Annual tuition fees are almoust the same. In Mykolas Romeris university it is 5520Lt and in Maastricht about 6100Lt. There are more differences taking about subfields. Mykolas Romeris university offers only 3 subfields of psychology (Social,Law and Bussines psychlogy) and Maastricht university offers 6 subfields (Development psychology;Cognitive Neuroscience;Neuropsychology;Health and Social psychology;Psychology and Law;Work and Organisational psychology).

All things considered I have to say that Mykolas Romeris university offers qualified studies which amounts to other abroad universities.I am glad to have apportunity to be and study here.



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